Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Eyes

Thanks to ice in the Midwest I gained another weaving day. When I arrived at my substitute job at a reasonable time it began to occur to me it was a bit unusual the parking lot was completely empty.
School was cancelled, truly a disappointment. Coffee pot on and back to work at the loom.

"Donut Man", 24 inches wide and about 12 inches woven

I thought I would share the series of photos I took while working on Donut Man's eyes. A viewer on Facebook asked me about the amount of time spent weaving this particular tapestry and let me tell you this particular part took hours. I'm now content with the expression, so here goes.

First, laying in the yarns for the eyes and choosing the correct warps.

10 epi

Next, packing the yarns on top, building up the shape for the eyebrows. I did needle weave a tiny bit under the eye on the left and adjusted the yarn choices for the white of the eye.

Eyebrows are pretty critical for expression. This part is both exciting and exhausting.

Finally I packed down above the eyebrows, not much adjustment to do here, they both fell into place fairly well.

So there you have it, the positive side of an ice storm in WI. I am just beginning to transition back to wedge weave in parts of this piece and my mind is really being stretched to keep track of all that.

About another 8 inches to go...
Weather is clearing up tomorrow, so back to work...more updates to follow.

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Lots of beginnings in January.
Even for Porkchop.

Snow weaving, but be assured there was nothing plein air about the weaving of this one, just the photo. I'm working on some samples for a class on complementary colors. I'm so effected by my surroundings.

red and green gradations, Wisconsin skies, 4" wide warp

Beginning the face on Donut Man, couldn't avoid it anymore.

this ought to take awhile...

And of course some lettering, continuing my series of questions because it seems I have more of them than answers.

Here's to a bright and Happy New Year, with many more things to learn and stuff to create.

Onward 2017!