Saturday, April 6, 2019

Hallway Transition Series, panel 1 is complete

And of course there's plenty to talk about. This 3 part series, entitled Hallway Transitions has created some marvelous discoveries for me with growth and new directions.
I'm so lucky, isn't that what an artist hopes for?

3 of 5 drawings I've done with crayon...still working on final ideas

To review, I started with drawings that came from substitute jobs I've had over the years in the Madison School District. I completed several individual weavings, but wanted to create groups of students passing in the halls. I often feel as though I'm moving against some force of nature.

samples in tapestry might seem nuts but in this case, necessary

I decided to use neutral colors and some open-weave techniques, so samples needed to be done.

Then the weaving began.

using my copper pipe loom, my very favorite of all

Below is a play by play of panel #1. These pieces are woven on the vertical, side to side. The sett is 10epi, 8 1/2 inches wide. I followed the drawing to an extent, but serendipity was in play most of the time.

choosing yarn becomes more complicated once the first face is woven

lighter values to bring this face forward

the final face falls between the previous two values

panel completed, on to the next

Keep a lookout for metal, wedge weave, holes and unwoven parts. That's the beauty of it. I'm hoping to get the pieces woven by the end of the year.
Keep an eye on me.