Thursday, January 16, 2020

Last Panel, Hallway Transitions

It's hard for me to believe that this is my final piece I'm working on for my series Substitute Tales. I've just started the third and final panel for Hallway Transitions, part of this series. Earlier in the week I worked a day in a middle school and was pleased to think of my weaving as I moved through the sea of people in the halls.

I think I'm on the right track.

Now I just need to keep weaving to meet my self imposed March deadline.

This is the cartoon I sketched to size using a thick black crayon and marker. You also see panel 1 already woven and hanging below, panel 2 which you can't see, hangs below that one. All are pinned to a black foam core and used as reference as I weave.

10 epi warp, 8 inches wide

The tissue paper at the right is what I slip behind the work to make sure I'm on track and relating to the cartoon. Note that I like to work improvisationally as I weave yet I do want it to relate to the original sketches.

As of today I am midway through the second lens of the glasses heading toward person #2.

Stay tuned.