Thursday, January 29, 2015

Landscape in Minnesota

Tapestry in a day?

We did it in Minneapolis last week where I spent my birthday weekend at the welcoming Textile Center in Minneapolis. Thirteen enthusiastic weavers came for a one day workshop to weave a landscape.

It was intensive and non stop, but Traudi still found time for coffee.

I stress values and surface textures when I do this workshop so hand spinners have the advantage. Not interested in spinning? Look at some of the hand painted roving available on the market.

In a one day workshop I prefer a design as you go attitude, letting the weaving determine where the landscape is and what the details might be.

Discoveries were made and as always I made some along with my students. I only hope this taste of tapestry leads some to explore further.

Stay tuned for part 2 , Face Expressions, a 2 1/2 day workshop was a big birthday bash!


  1. Looks like a good time was had by all and everyone was so comfortable in their work.

  2. good point Janette, they really were comfortable....there were no fires to put out! MN has a wealth of talented weavers and even though many didn't have tapestry knowledge, they were well versed in weaving and how fiber behaves. It was quite a luxury to teach them all.
